Keno-Sha Steakhouse Best Steakhouses in USA Thu, 07 Dec 2023 15:45:24 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Keno-Sha Steakhouse 32 32 Fermentation in Culinary Arts: Unveiling the Process that Transforms Your Food Thu, 07 Dec 2023 15:45:22 +0000 In the realm of culinary arts, numerous methods of food preparation not only enrich taste …

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In the realm of culinary arts, numerous methods of food preparation not only enrich taste and aroma but also enhance the nutritional value of ingredients. One of the most fascinating sources in this regard is fermentation. This process, reliant on microorganisms, introduces unique alterations to food products, making them not only tastier but also more beneficial for the body.

Understanding Fermentation and How It Works

Fermentation is a biochemical process where microorganisms such as bacteria, yeast, or fungi convert carbohydrates or proteins in foods through fermentation. It occurs due to enzymes produced by these organisms, which break down complex food molecules into simpler components. This process alters the texture, aroma, and taste of foods, enriching them with nutrients and making them more beneficial for our health.

Impact of Fermentation on Taste

Fermentation significantly influences the taste of dishes. It adds new layers of flavor profiles due to the formation of various acids and aromatic compounds. For instance, familiar dairy products like yogurt and cheese undergo fermentation, imparting them with their characteristic tastes and textures. Fermenting vegetables, such as cabbage for sauerkraut, transforms them into tangy-sweet delicacies that are not only pleasing to the palate but also high in nutritional value.

Enhancing Nutritional Value through Fermentation

Fermentation not only enhances the taste of products but also makes them more nutritious. During fermentation, microorganisms enrich products with vitamins, minerals, and beneficial bacteria. For example, fermenting dairy products like yogurt increases the content of probiotics, which positively impact the digestive system and bolster immunity. Furthermore, the fermentation process can break down anti-nutrients, making nutritional components more accessible for absorption by the body.

Exploring the Diversity of Fermented Foods

Culinary traditions worldwide leverage fermentation to create distinctive dishes. For instance, Korean cuisine is renowned for its fermented products like kimchi, rich in vitamins and beneficial microorganisms. Similarly, Japanese cuisine utilizes fermented soy product called miso, which not only adds a rich flavor but also enhances the nutritional value of dishes.

Restaurant Owner’s Perspective on Fermentation in Culinary Arts

“As a restaurateur, I view fermentation in culinary arts as an endless source of creativity and inspiration. This ancient process transforms ingredients, imparting them with unique flavors and nutritional properties that are otherwise unattainable through alternative cooking methods.

In my restaurant, I place fermented ingredients at the forefront, paying great attention to the process and quality of the products. I firmly believe that fermentation not only enriches the taste of dishes but also adds depth and complexity to our cuisine, making it distinctive and recognizable to our guests.

One of the main virtues of fermentation is its ability to enhance the nutritional value of dishes. This process enriches products with beneficial microorganisms and vitamins, supporting healthy digestion and fortifying the immune system of those who enjoy our cuisine.

It’s important to note that fermentation also allows us to recreate traditional recipes while preserving their authenticity and historical heritage. This offers our guests the opportunity to explore a diversity of cultural flavors and traditions through the dishes we offer.

Therefore, fermentation is not just a cooking technique but an art that opens doors to experimentation and new discoveries in the culinary world. Integrating fermented ingredients into the restaurant’s menu enables us to uphold innovation and surprise our guests, offering them unique and unforgettable taste experiences.”

– John Graham, Owner of “Eddys” Restaurant


Fermentation in culinary arts is not just a food preparation process but an art that transforms products, making them tastier, more nutritious, and beneficial for our bodies. This remarkable process opens doors for culinary creativity, allowing the creation of unique and healthy dishes that delight our taste buds while supporting our health.


1. Question: How does the fermentation process change the nutritional composition of foods?

Answer: Fermentation alters the nutritional profile by breaking down complex compounds into simpler forms, enhancing the availability of vitamins, minerals, and beneficial bacteria. It reduces anti-nutrients, making nutrients more easily absorbed by the body.

2. Question: Can fermentation affect the shelf life of foods?

Answer: Absolutely. Fermentation can extend the shelf life of foods by creating an acidic environment or producing antimicrobial compounds that prevent the growth of harmful bacteria, thus preserving the food for longer periods.

3. Question: What role do microorganisms play in the fermentation process?

Answer: Microorganisms, such as bacteria, yeast, or fungi, produce enzymes that break down food components. They transform sugars and proteins, generating acids, gases, and other compounds that modify the taste, texture, and aroma of the food.

4. Question: Are there health benefits associated with consuming fermented foods?

Answer: Yes, fermented foods contain probiotics that promote gut health and boost the immune system. They also aid in digestion, increase nutrient absorption, and contribute to overall well-being.

5. Question: How does fermentation contribute to cultural diversity in cuisine?

Answer: Fermentation is integral to various culinary traditions worldwide, giving rise to a myriad of unique dishes. Different cultures use fermentation techniques to create signature flavors and textures in their foods, enriching their gastronomic heritage and creating a wide array of distinct culinary experiences.

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Creating a Local Computer Network in a Restaurant: Steps and Benefits Thu, 07 Dec 2023 15:39:20 +0000 In the modern world of technology, the restaurant business is actively incorporating computer systems to …

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In the modern world of technology, the restaurant business is actively incorporating computer systems to enhance management efficiency and customer service. Establishing a local computer network (LAN) in a restaurant becomes a crucial step towards optimizing business processes and improving service quality. Let’s delve deeper into this process.

Why Create a Local Computer Network in a Restaurant?

1. Enhancing Service Processes

LAN enables the establishment of more efficient order management and communication among staff. Waiters can take orders using tablets or mobile devices and instantly relay them to the kitchen, reducing customer waiting times.

2. Inventory and Stock Management

Creating a LAN allows for automating inventory tracking and maintaining accurate stock counts. This helps in managing supplies effectively, avoiding shortages, and reducing costs.

3. Data Security Enhancement

LAN provides the ability to create centralized data backup systems and implement information security measures, helping to prevent data leaks or unauthorized access to customer information and business processes.

Steps to Create a Local Computer Network in a Restaurant

1. Planning and Designing

Define the LAN’s objectives, choose necessary equipment (routers, switches, Wi-Fi access points), develop a network scheme, and set a budget.

2. Infrastructure Preparation

Install the required equipment, create cable connections between devices, configure network addresses, and set security parameters.

3. Network Configuration

Configure routers, switches, and Wi-Fi access points to ensure the network’s stable operation. Create different network segments to segregate sensitive data.

4. Installation of Software

Deploy necessary software for order management, inventory tracking, as well as security and data backup systems.

5. Testing and Staff Training

After establishing the LAN, conduct network testing, train staff on using the new systems, and ensure ongoing support and maintenance.

Benefits of LAN in a Restaurant

1. Increased Efficiency

LAN reduces customer service times, simplifies accounting, and enhances business process management, ultimately boosting overall operational efficiency in the restaurant business.

2. Improved Service Quality

Reduced order waiting times and better coordination among staff lead to increased customer satisfaction.

3. Optimized Management

Automated inventory systems aid in managing stocks, minimizing losses, and decreasing warehouse costs.

Restaurateur’s opinion

“In our era, the use of modern technology has become an integral part of a successful restaurant business. Establishing a local computer network in a restaurant not only modernizes processes but is also a necessary step for efficient management and improving service quality.

Implementing a LAN in our restaurant brought about significant changes. It streamlined the order-taking processes and their transmission to the kitchen, significantly reducing the waiting time for our guests. Additionally, an automated inventory management system helped us optimize purchases, avoid excesses, and minimize losses.

One of the crucial aspects of LAN is enhancing data security. We can be confident in the confidentiality of information about our customers and business processes thanks to centralized protection systems and data backups.

Certainly, introducing new technologies requires time, resources, and staff training. However, the results outweigh the costs: improved efficiency and enhanced service quality by our restaurant team, as well as increased satisfaction among our visitors.

Establishing a local computer network in the restaurant is not just an investment in technology; it’s an investment in improving the business and meeting the needs of our customers.”

Creating a local computer network in a restaurant is a pivotal step towards modern and efficient business management. It enhances service processes, optimizes inventory management, and ensures data security, all of which contribute to higher customer satisfaction and overall success in the restaurant business.

Interview with a Systems Administrator

Dave Mosley has agreed to answer 5 unusual questions from our correspondent.

1. Question: If computer networks had a scent, what aroma would you prefer for your local network?

  Answer: I would choose the scent of freshly brewed coffee, so that every time we connect to our network, we experience the pleasant aroma of a coffee morning.

2. Question: What would be the main secret of success for a network with the IP address

  Answer: The main secret of success for a network with the IP address is its ability to be consistently available and reliable, like a faithful friend always there to assist at any time of day or night.

3. Question: If the IP address were a living character, what profession might it have?

  Answer: is a typical router address in a home network. If it were a character, it might be an architect, as it determines the path for all connected devices in the home network.

4. Question: What would be the main feature of a cyber cafe in a parallel universe?

  Answer: In a parallel universe, the cyber cafe might provide internet access through cosmic IP addresses, such as 999.999.999.999, allowing users to navigate the networks across galaxies.

5. Question: If a wireless network could embody a mythical creature, what would it be?

  Answer: A wireless network could be akin to a phoenix, rising from the ashes of cables, enabling the magical and free dissemination of the internet throughout the realm.

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How To Eat Healthy And Not Go Broke? Wed, 29 Jun 2022 11:03:39 +0000 There is considerable confusion among many people that eating healthy is way too expensive. But …

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There is considerable confusion among many people that eating healthy is way too expensive. But it’s just a misconception and has nothing to do with reality.

Although the market is full of fancy vegan, organic, and gluten-free cookies, there are still affordable and quality options too. You just need a little know-how to direct and prevent you from getting lost in a variety of food discussions.

So even though eating a balanced diet can seem difficult to afford with a tight budget, there is still a way out. There are several useful tips to help you in saving money without compromising the quality of food. Let’s quickly go through them.

#1 Plan Your Meals

Organizing your meal menus and scheduling ahead is the essential step when it comes to saving money. When planning, you can make a grocery list for the upcoming week, pointing out what you need to buy and how much. Don’t forget to inspect your refrigerator carefully: who knows, maybe in one of the hidden corners you can find the product you just intend to buy. 

While you are checking the fridge, also make sure to organize your pantry and freezer. Get rid of materials that are out of date, or you just don’t want to eat. Then take stock of healthy food you have on hand and put them where you can easily find them. 

#2 Don’t Concentrate On Elaborate Meals

Keep things as simple as possible. Expensive food doesn’t yet mean healthy. You can make a simple meal with inexpensive ingredients that are way more useful and healthier than the costly ones. The critical point here is to prepare the meal well.

How? For example, a tossed salad, grilled chicken breasts, and baked sweet potatoes can be enough to make simple healthy food. 

You can cook a veggie-filled salad with chicken breast or London broil with roasted vegetables and potatoes. What’s important, it’s healthy, delicious, and saves you a lot of time and money. 

#3 Don’t Miss The Coupons, Sales, and Discounts

Many grocery shops and markets offer discounts or sale prices for various organic foods. Take advantage of such discounts to buy the necessary food materials at low prices if possible. 

You can install the market apps and activate email deals to stay informed and get notifications for discount activities. It will enable you not to miss ideal offerings and save money while buying your favorite products. 

#4 Pack Your Lunch 

It’s not a secret that eating out is several times more expensive, especially on a daily basis. So packing your snacks, lunches, drinks, and other meals is a great way to save money. 

What’s more, when packing, you can control the meals you eat and choose nutritious ingredients. Also, if you are used to cooking large meals at home, you have a significant advantage. It will ensure you always have a steady lunch to pack with you without extra cost or effort. 

#5 Use Everything That is In Your Refrigerator 

Wasting food, losing track of what’s inside the refrigerator, and ending up throwing things away. Can you find yourself in this scenario? If yes, then it’s time to change your habits. 

First of all, keep a clear track of what you have and try not to waste anything. Then, categorize the leftovers based on their approximate expiring date and don’t let them get too old to eat. 

Finally, you can include the food materials required to be eaten immediately in your meal plan. If not, then you can freeze it.

#6 Buy Frozen Vegetables and Fruits

Who says that frozen products are less nutritious than fresh ones? Unfortunately, fresh fruits and vegetables are usually in season for only several months a year. Other times, they are rather too expensive. 

Frozen fruits and veggies can serve as a perfect alternative to the fresh ones in case it’s out of season already. In addition, they are cheaper, and what’s more, they are available throughout the entire year.

#7 Grow Your Own Products

Well, homemade food is always way better than the food we eat outside. With the same logic, the products you grow on your own are more organic than what you can get in markets. So, if you have the right conditions and suitable place to farm products, it’s just perfect. 

You can buy seeds at relatively low prices and grow your own sprouts, tomatoes, herbs, and other vegetables. After some time, your efforts and energy will be paid off in the form of nutritious and healthy ingredients. And what’s more important, all these will save you a lot of money.

The Bottom Line

Who says you need to be extra rich to eat healthy and balanced food? In reality, there are many ways to nourish your body with vitamin-rich foods, even when being on a tight budget.

With a bit of planning and effort, you can manage your budget to fit healthy food costs without exploding your wallet. 

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Best Travel Tips to Fully Reset Your Mind Wed, 29 Jun 2022 11:01:45 +0000 Whether going on a business trip or getting away from your busy schedules, it’s essential …

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Whether going on a business trip or getting away from your busy schedules, it’s essential to enjoy yourself fully. And though it seems pretty easy at first sight, actual traveling and vacation can become a stressful experience. But it’s the case only if you aren’t prepared: both emotionally and physically. 

Everyone needs a little time off to wind down and reset their minds. Some people can rest to the maximum, just staying home and engaging in their favorite activities. For example, a game enthusiast can just open one of the best casino sites, start playing, and it’s enough for relaxing. At the same time, others can rest fully only by changing atmospheres and getting away from home.

No matter what type you belong to, core tips and ideas for spending a vacation can still come in handy. So, let’s move on and look through them.

Get A Travel Insurance 

It’s one of the basics for anyone planning to go on vacation. And it’s one of the crucial lifesavers for every traveler out there. Why? Because traveling itself is an adventurous thing. You don’t know what can happen a second later or what situation you can come across. 

That’s why having travel insurance ready is one must-have you should include in your trip plan. It can save you a lot of trouble and let you not panic in case of force majeure situations and accidents.

Pack Smartly

Packing is the primary term describing the upcoming traveling, right? But let’s be honest, a considerable percentage of people always forget to bring the most critical items with them. And not finding the necessary things in the midst of a busy schedule can be really annoying.

To avoid this, always make a list of required items beforehand. Don’t forget to include absolute necessities like in-flight essentials, medication, the contents of your carry-on, and others. Knowing what you exactly have and where they are can save you a lot of time. Hence, you will be able to enjoy your trip much more if everything is right and goes smoothly. 

Take A Break From Work

If possible, shut down all the devices connected with your work. Be it a working email, phone, or message app, if they continue to get you notifications, you can’t fully relax. Therefore, it will be best to disconnect from the Internet at all from time to time. 

Getting away from the working atmosphere can help you concentrate on real-time feelings and enjoy the moments. You can also shift your attention from business matters by busying yourself with other activities. For example, you can take your favorite book to fill your flying time with reading. Or, if you prefer playing over reading, you can browse through Keno games for free on Playfortune and have fun. 

No matter what you do, the primary purpose is to make “work reminders” go away. 

Discover Local Sights 

What else can be more fun if not exploring unfamiliar places and going on tours? Sightseeing, perhaps, is the most exciting part of any vacation. You can either choose to go on organized special tours or wander alone. In both cases, seeing, exploring, learning, and enjoying the experience is the vital thing. 

Such experiences will not only help you broaden your horizons but also fill your memory with unforgettable moments.

Capture The Moment

The best way to freeze the living moment is by taking pictures. So, how many photos you do take so many memories you will have to look into and relive the moments later. It doesn’t matter what device you use; it can be your phone camera or a digital one. 

The ultimate goal is to try to take as many pictures as possible. These shots will help you to relieve the experienced moments in the future. 

Try The Local Specialties and Delicacies 

Traveling is a great way that helps broaden not only your mind but also satisfy your stomach’s curiosity. Moreover, going to other places means meeting a lot of new people and trying a lot of new local delicacies. 

Before departing, research and find the best local restaurants and cafes to go in your way. Don’t be afraid of unfamiliar food or specialties. As the saying goes, “Every good thing comes with experience.”

The Final Enjoy Yourself

There can be infinite tips and suggestions to list in articles. However, even though all these tips are essential and helpful in planning a vacation, they are not the most critical aspects. The most crucial thing is your state of mind. 

Prepare yourself to be entirely cut from your daily routines and think of the unfulfilled things you have wanted to do for a long time. Then, when arriving at your destination, just concentrate on the moment and fully enjoy every spent second. Only by fully discharging your mind can you power it with some irreplaceable and exciting memories. 

However, don’t forget to bring your necessities with you. It really can be the most annoying among other significant things.

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Nick & Stef’s Steakhouse Mon, 28 Feb 2022 11:49:12 +0000 Nick & Stef's is consistently regarded as one of the best steakhouses in town. It's an upscale, quality steakhouse that serves the best meat dishes.

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Nick & Stef’s is consistently regarded as one of the best steakhouses in town. It’s an upscale, quality steakhouse that serves the best meat dishes. It’s a restaurant where traditional steakhouse meets fine dining, and you might want to put on a jacket. But it’s worth dressing up, their food is very spectacular.

9, Pennsylvania Plaza

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Porter House New York Fri, 31 Dec 2021 11:44:12 +0000 Located in the Time Warner Center, Porter House New York is another of the best steakhouses in town.

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Located in the Time Warner Center, Porter House New York is another of the best steakhouses in town. Chef Michael Lomonaco serves very good steaks at a very reasonable price (at least in the New York City setting). They have an extensive menu and over 500 different kinds of wine, it’s always an easy choice.

10 Columbus Circle.

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Strip House Tue, 28 Sep 2021 12:10:20 +0000 Strip House actually has three different locations in the city, but we'll see which one is downtown.

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Strip House actually has three different locations in the city, but we’ll see which one is downtown. It has a classic steakhouse atmosphere mixed with modern elements, so it’s perfect. As the name implies, they’re known for their steak on end, but everything here is amazing. They serve classics, seafood, and a few other “progressive” dishes.

13, East 12th Street

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Keen’s Steakhouse Tue, 14 Sep 2021 11:40:17 +0000 Keen's Steakhouse is one of New York City's food staples and certainly an iconic spot. Keen's Restaurant has been serving the best food in town since it opened in 1885.

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Keen’s Steakhouse is one of New York City’s food staples and certainly an iconic spot. Keen’s Restaurant has been serving the best food in town since it opened in 1885. Because it’s been around for so long, know that it has to be amazing. It’s a classic steakhouse with subdued lighting, walls adorned with thousands of tobacco pipes, a terrific whiskey selection and, of course, terrific steaks.

71 West 36th Street

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Ben and Jack’s Steakhouse Sat, 21 Aug 2021 11:42:27 +0000 There are two Ben and Jack's Steakhouse restaurants in town, but the restaurant on 44th Street is undergoing renovations.

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There are two Ben and Jack’s Steakhouse restaurants in town, but the restaurant on 44th Street is undergoing renovations. Ben and Jack’s Steakhouse, founded and owned by brothers Ben and Jack Sinage with the help of family members, is another great place to eat. The Sinage brothers have been working in the kitchens of New York City since they were young and finally opened their first steakhouse in 2005. Since then, it has become very popular and is definitely a good place to eat.

5, 255th Ave.

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American Cut Sat, 07 Aug 2021 11:47:17 +0000 Located in TriBeCa, American Cut is another great steakhouse you should visit the next time you're in town (or if you live there and haven't checked out yet).

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Located in TriBeCa, American Cut is another great steakhouse you should visit the next time you’re in town (or if you live there and haven’t checked out yet). American Cut, created by Iron Chef Mark Forgione, is a fairly large 180-seat modern restaurant in town. The steakhouse menu is generally very similar, but at American Cut you can also try dishes like veal, lamb and chicken. So if you’re not in the mood for steak, they have other offerings.

363 Greenwich Street.

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